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Szukane: zbrojarz/oferta-99999901317363-ap-team-eader

Poprzednia [1][2][3][4] 5 [6][7][8][9][10] Następna
AP Team Leader
For an international organization for its SSC Centre because of new project being launched we are currently looking for candidates for the position of: AP Team Leader Workplace: Poznan Ref JO-1402-279295... [więcej]

AP Team Supervisor
For an international organization for its SSC Centre because of new project being launched we are currently looking for candidates for the position of: AP Team Supervisor Workplace: Poznan Ref JO-1402-279295... [więcej]

zbrojarz/operator maszyn zbrojarskich
Mężczyzna w wieku 33 lat poszukuje pracy na stanowisku operator maszyn zbrojarskich. Ostatnia praca w Konsorcjum stali z pięcioletnim stażem. Obsługa wszystkich maszyn zbrojarskich. Tel. 697727451 [więcej]

Senior structural engineers
Global Mimar Company will hire senior structural engineers. Requirements: * fluent English in speaking and writing (working with foreigners) * 10 years proven experience * computer oriented * good knowledge in... [więcej]

Praca dla dekarza, tynkarza
Firma Spontan team s.c. z Zabrza poszukuje dekarzy , murarzy, tynkarzy z doświadczeniem. Prosimy wysyłać CV na e-mail. [więcej]

Python Developer
We are looking for an all-round developer of websites and on internet technology based applications, with a university educational/communicative level, who can operate independently and in a team, who has affinity... [więcej]

Structural engineers and civil engineers
Global Mimar Company will hire structural engineers and civil engineers. Requirements: * fluent English in speaking and writing (working with foreigners) * 3 years proven experience * computer oriented *... [więcej]

Structural engineers and civil engineers
Global Mimar Company will hire structural engineers and civil engineers. Requirements: * fluent English in speaking and writing (working with foreigners) * 10 years proven experience * computer oriented *... [więcej]

Cieśla wiązania/szalunki
Podejmę się pracy w dziedzinie budowlanej jako cieśla/zbrojarz. Mam 25-letnie doświadczenie w wykonywaniu prac takich jak fundamenty, stropy, klatki schodowe oraz zbiorniki wodne o pojemności 50m^3. Wykonuję... [więcej]

Looking for a job?
Looking for a job? Startonight waiting to join a young team that is started to do great things. Salary is one attractive and the possibility of substantial enlargement. For details visit the website or email:... [więcej]
Cała Polska

Poprzednia [1][2][3][4] 5 [6][7][8][9][10] Następna