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Execution Supervisor (oil&gas)

. Adecco Poland is Employment Agency (Certificate No. 364).
For our Client we are looking for a qualified candidate for the position of:
Execution Supervisor (oil&gas)

Reference number: ES/ZEA/02/2014
Place of work: United Arab Emirates

Key Responsibilities:
• Supervising the execution of capital projects
• Assisting in the execution supervision of capital projects
• Coordinating with various interfaces to review and finalize construction packages for plant modifications and/or technical projects.
• Safeguarding compliance with the clients HSE 6 step method and permit to work procedure (PTW) and participate in task risk assessments (TRA) for critical activities.
• Working in close liaison with the Support Services Department for reasons of material coordination and getting the projects scheduled both execution and material wise.
• Participating in planning/scheduling in order to timely allocate activities and resources as per the agreed project timeline.
• Following-up the project execution progress (safety, schedule, milestones, budget and quality) and provide regular feedback on the actual field status to the project engineer and/or manager and other stakeholders whenever required.
• Carrying out regular field inspections and prepare punch lists indicating the outstanding items.
Required Skills:
• Technical Secondary School, followed by a Trade Diploma in the respective trade.
• Minimum 7 years of relevant & practical experience in executing Mechanical / Civil projects.
• Very good knowledge of field execution, production facilities, materials & specifications, planning principles and HSEQ standards.
• Good knowledge of relevant international standards.
• High degree of computer literacy with thorough experience of MS Office, SAP & project related software.
• Well developed interpersonal, organizational, analytical, ethical, communication, team & networking skills.
• Fluent in English, both written & oral.
• International & multicultural oriented.
If you are interested in this position please send us your CV in English with Reference Number: Please include detailed information about your responsibilities on the previous positions.
Candidate CV should be send to email:
Województwo: Zagranica
Miasto: Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie
Cena: 0.00
Aby skontaktować się z ogłoszeniodawcą wejdź w link poniżej:
Execution Supervisor (oil&gas)

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