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Pediatric Specialist Nurses

For our Client, large acute hospital in the heart of London, we are looking for candidates:
Pediatric Specialist Nurses
Miejsce pracy: London

To provide the highest standard of nursing care for the children and their families
To plan, assess, implement and evaluate programmes of care for individual children and to supervise other staff in this activity
To ensure an ongoing welcoming, caring and safe environment is provided for the children and their families
To act as an advocate for the child and family, providing them with information and support and directing them to the relevant support services where appropriate.
To communicate complex and sensitive information effectively to patients, carers and other staff, overcoming any barriers to understanding and providing support during distressing or emotional events.
To be competent in the use of all relevant HCA International IT systems ensuring that data is entered in an accurate and timely fashion, in accordance with HCA International policy and procedure.
To supervise and support members of the ward team and ensure that all patients receive appropriate care.
To co-ordinate the multidisciplinary team. To ensure that treatments prescribed by the medical staff are carried out, and that multidisciplinary team members are informed of changes in the patient’s condition.
To ensure quality care is given, by being familiar with agreed ward and HCA standards of care and to inform senior nursing staff, if the required standard couldn’t be reached.
To assist in ensuring the safety of the ward, actively participating in clinical audit, clinical risk and quality issues, including the managing and reporting of incidents
To actively assist in the education and practical training of learners and junior staff at every opportunity. To work in co-operation with Thames Valley University in order to provide uniformity and promotion of professional standards.
To be flexible in the approach to the clinical area and provide cover for any paediatric area as specified.

MORE THAN 1 YEAR POSTGRAD experience in ACUTE PAEDS environment
NMC registration
Advanced English
Experience of having worked with acute/chronically sick children
Experience of supervising and assessing students
Employer offers:

Very good salary,
Great opportunity for career development,
Legal job in United Kingdom.

Please send your CV to:
Województwo: Zagranica
Miasto: -
Cena: 0.00
Aby skontaktować się z ogłoszeniodawcą wejdź w link poniżej:
Pediatric Specialist Nurses

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