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Quality Inspector – Civil Works

Our Client is one of the major players within the oil and gas industry. At present, for a one year contract located in Szczecin we are looking for qualified Polish nationals to take up the position of:

Quality Inspector – Civil Works

Location: Szczecin, Poland

Execute the inspection and Quality Control activities on site, collecting the relevant objective proofs and ensure supervision of quality control activities on construction and erection works.

Executes the specific inspections on materials, equipment and construction/installation activities on site
Issues the relevant Quality Records and, when necessary, write and send to Quality Control Supervisor non-conformances reports
Checks the preparation of foundations
Checks the correct preparation of reinforcements
Checks the certifications regarding element mixes. LASTM test, chemical analysis, grain size analysis
Monitors atmospheric conditions during pouring operations
Monitors correct curing operations
Checks the sampling operations (when required)
Reviews the laboratory examination results
Checks sub-grade dry density
Checks moisture content
Checks compression strength test
Checks after execution of costing
Checks after concrete puring
Checks materials quality (wire, fitting etc.)
Verifies special processes and the relevant workers’ qualifications
Orderly collect, check and manage documents certifying tests, controls and inspections carried out witnessing the tests, controls and inspections carried out
Check the conformity with the Quality Control Plan and obtain the relevant documentation
Check the documents certifying the tests, controls and inspections carried out
Ensure the correct implementation of the approved Inspection Test Plan according to Clients requirements.

Degree in civil engineering
Former experience on similar position in the on-shore oil&gas projects
Polish nationality, mother tongue Polish
Good communication in English
availability as soon as possible to work in Poland

If you have the relevant background and strongly feel it is a great development opportunity for you please send your Curriculum to the following address:

If you have questions please feel free to call our consultant at Diversa Talentor Sp. z o.o.
Województwo: Zachodniopomorskie
Miasto: -
Cena: 0.00
Aby skontaktować się z ogłoszeniodawcą wejdź w link poniżej:
Quality Inspector – Civil Works

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