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Praca na Łotwie


For our client, large and expanding international company focused on development and manufacturing of technologically advanced electronic and electromechanical products, we are looking for a suitable candidates for the position of DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER FOR POWER ELECTRONICS in Germany.

Main tasks:
* Developing software and hardware for sophisticated electronics technologies, as in photovoltaic inverters or intelligent drive converters
* Product development from concept through to series production
* Design, simulation, laboratory testing and type approval for electronic circuitry and embedded software
* Close work in teams involving other development staff and, in addition, product management, production planning, quality planning, purchasing, etc.
* Client-oriented solutions for the tasks, taking economics aspects into account

We require:
* Degree in electronics engineering, preferably with emphasis on power electronics
* Very good knowledge of English, willing to learn German
* Professional experience (minimum of 3 years) in developing power electronics applications like:
o photovoltaic inverters
o inverters for other renewable energy systems
o industrial electronic drive technology
o industrial power supplies
o uninterruptible power supplies (UPS)
o inverters and converters for railway applications (on-board power)
* Well-founded understanding of active and passive components for power electronics circuitry
* Good understanding of high-performance microcontrollers applications
* Good understanding of software development using the C programming language
* Good understanding of control technology and implementing algorithms
* Well understanding of the application of simulation methods especially in SPICE and MatLab
* Good general skills in analogue and digital electronics
* Good general skills in electrical measurement techniques and A/D converter technology
* Preferably with understanding of photovoltaic applications
* Preferably with understanding of structured development processes for industrial series production

We offer:
* Excellent opportunity for experienced professionals, who are willing to be a part of team working on interesting projects
* Stable background of international company
* Rhine-Ruhr area belongs to the nicest areas in Germany and has a lot to offer in the way of recreational and leisure time facilities especially for young families
* Very good connection inside Germany with highways in all directions and connected to the world with the airports Düsseldorf, Cologne and Dortmund, which are close by
* Salary: 4200-4700 euro/month
* Training plan, on-the-job training
* Vacation 6 weeks per year
* Company pension scheme after one year of service
* Relocation paid by the company, if necessary
* The company takes care for work permit, stay permit, etc. if

Locality: Germany (Northrhine-Westfalia)
Available: ASAP

If you are interested in this offer, please send your CV in English to

Personal data provided to OPTIMA RECRUITMENT EUROPE, s.r.o., CIN: 264230022 for the purpose of employment transmission are handled according to Act No.101/2000 Coll. Provided data are kept in the database for the essential period of employment transmission or until a written withdrawal is received. Providing this data to a third party is a subject to the consent of the provider. The enactment of §12 and 21 of Act No. 101/2000 Coll. regulates your right to information about handling personal data, explanation, updating as well as disposing of the data.
Województwo: Zagranica
Miasto: -
Cena: 0.00
Aby skontaktować się z ogłoszeniodawcą wejdź w link poniżej:

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