Company: Sol Duc Hot Springs Resort
Position: Housekeeper
Start Date: 01.06.2010 - 10.06.2010
End Date: 10.09.2010 - 10.10.2010
Region: English
Level: Conversational
Gender Preference: None
Housing: None
Second Job Possible? No
Pay Rate: $8.55/hr
Tips and Other Comp: No
Job Number: 48496
J o b Requirements:
Responsible for cleaning and maintaining the guestrooms and lounge areas to meet guest
Essential Tasks:
•Clean assigned guestrooms including bathrooms.
•Clean lounge areas as needed.
•Restock all supplies that are needed in the rooms.
•Report all maintenance problems for guest satisfaction.
•Responsible for keys assigned to them.
•Responsible for turning in all lost and found articles to the Housekeeping Office to be
•Comply with all ARAMARK and the client’s policies and procedures.
•Follow all of ARAMARK’s safety and sanitation policies.
•May be required to work evenings, weekends, and/or overtime.
•Additional tasks and responsibilities may be assigned at the discretion of the manager.
Furthermore, tasks and responsibilities may be added or revised based on the volume of
business and the need for the work to be completed at the present time.
Possible to move within company?
Additional info:
Pay Rate: $8.55/hr
Tips and other comp: No
Expected Minimum Hours: Expected minimum hours per week: 30
Estimated overtime: No
Expected schedule: Schedule will vary.
Second Job Possible? false
Second Job Notes: The resort is remote with no access to second jobs.
Meal Discounts: 3 meals are included in the cost of housing at Sol Duc Hot Springs.
Housing: Required
H o u s i n g Information: Onsite housing is provided.
H o u s i n g costs: $8.00 per day.
Additional costs: No. 3 meals per day are included in the cost of housing.
H o u s i n g features: Onsite, fully furnished housing is provided by the Host Company. The housing is dorm-style with 4-6 beds per room, one bed per person. The housing is same sex. 3 meals per day are included in the cost of housing. The nearest bank/entertainment/grocery is at least 45 minutes away by bus.
Internet is not available in the housing but there is internet access in the office.
Reporting Instructions: 2-3 days
Estimated days from arrival before starting work: 2-3 days
Send CV ( English & polish version ) to praca[at] (in title “Housekeeper”).
Województwo: Małopolskie
Miasto: -
Cena: 0.00
Aby skontaktować się z ogłoszeniodawcą wejdź w link poniżej: Housekeeper
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Zatrudnimy mechanika samochodowego
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