Dam pracę
   Finanse, Księgowość, Prawo
   Gastronomia, Turystyka, Rolnictwo
   Handlowcy, Sprzedawcy, Ekspedienci
   Informatyka, Telekomunikacja
   Inżynierowie, Technicy
   Kadra Zarządzająca
   Lekarze, Farmaceuci, Pielęgniarki
   Kierowcy, logistycy
   Nauczyciele, Naukowcy
   Praca Fizyczna
   Prace Biurowe, Sekretariat
   Prasa, Telewizja, Kultura
   Reklama, PR
   Sprzątanie, Opieka
Szukam pracy


Ostatnio szukane
toruń rosyjski
praca w USA
nauczyciel biologii praca
ratownik medyczny


Account Manager – Poland
Company is a pan-European telematics service provider. It offers a complete range of
total solutions for remote resource and asset management, from low-end, over mid-range to
high-end telematics applications, to all segments of the market. Company offers widely
useable solutions based on an open, modular and scaleable architecture.
The company is listed on Eurolist by Euronext Brussels (ticker: PTX).
Company wants to strengthen the sales team with an Account Manager, Poland.
Prospect and close new opportunities in the area of transport & service companies
Identify new leads and follow up as appropriate using our CRM tools.
Maintain and develop existing and new customers through appropriate propositions and ethical sales methods, and relevant internal liaison, to optimize quality of service, business growth, and customer and satisfaction.
Detect and create new opportunities in our existing customer base. You combine a targeted and proactive sales development approach in order to increase the number of accounts with a strong relationship management of the actual and new key accounts
Plan and manage personal business portfolio/ territory/ business according to an agreed market development strategy
Manage product/service mix, pricing and margins according to agreed aims.
Become a trusted advisor and contact for all our customers
Plan and prioritize personal sales activities and customer/prospect contact towards achieving agreed business aims, including costs and sales - especially managing personal time and productivity.
Use customer and prospect contact activities tools and systems, and update relevant information held in these CRM systems (Salesforce).
Plan/carry out/support local marketing activities to agreed budgets and timescales, and integrate personal sales efforts with other organized marketing activities, eg., product launches, promotions, advertising, exhibitions and telemarketing.
Respond to and follow up sales enquiries using appropriate methods.
Monitor and report on market and competitor activities and provide relevant reports and information.
Record, analyze, report and administer according to systems and requirements.
Communicate, liaise, and negotiate internally and externally using appropriate methods
Education: Bachelor education or +2 years experience in selling ICT solutions
Bilingual (Polish, English)
Strong coordination and organisational skills
Solution driven
Result driven
Dynamic, Sociable and Communicative Person
Ability to head meetings
Stress resistant
Negotiation capabilities

Osoby zainteresowane prosimy o przesyłanie dokładnego Cv w języku angielskim na naszego maila : z dopiskiem ACCOUNT MANAGER w temacie.

Euro Work
32 258 05 64

Województwo: Cała Polska
Miasto: -
Cena: 0.00
Aby skontaktować się z ogłoszeniodawcą wejdź w link poniżej:

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